Programmable Thermostat? Good Device That's Largely Ignored.
by David Wagman for IEEE

Programmable Thermostat? Good Device That's Largely Ignored. by David 
Wagman for 
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Programmable thermostats are designed to help manage energy use, but most of the U.S.
households with these controls do not choose to program the thermostats. Based on information collected through the Energy Department's Energy Information Administration's (EIA's) Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) for 2015, 12% of the nation’s 118 million households had a central air-conditioning unit that is controlled using the programmed thermostat. About one in three households using central air conditioning do not have a programmable thermostat.
But even for those households that use central air conditioning and have a programmable thermostat, more than two-thirds of those households control temperatures without programming the thermostat.

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